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Once on board, security will direct you to the HR Services Office and/or the Learning Resource Center where you will collect your cabin key, complete your initial sign-on paperwork and begin your vessel familiarization training. Upon the completion of these brief trainings your manager or another representative from the Entertainment Department will escort you from the training and continue to assist you as you begin your first day on the job. You will complete a crew wellness health exam and you will receive your official Crew I.D., lanyard and Sail & Sign card. Your Crew I.D. is your access key to enter and exit the ship as well as to access some onboard services. In the first few days it is common to feel confused so if you have questions at any time just ask your fellow team members who will be happy to assist you. Everyone remembers their first day on board and can relate to that experience!

Everything you need is provided, however there are a few discretionary places onboard such as the coffee shop, specialty restaurants, and gift shop which require payment. When you join the ship you will receive a Sail & Sign card which is the only form of payment accepted onboard. You can put cash on your Sail & Sign card or connect a debit/credit card.

The majority of team members will be paired with roommates from the Entertainment Department, but due to manning constraints, you may share with someone from a different department. Roommates will always be of the same gender.

No, pets are not allowed onboard.

It is recommended that you bring at least $250 in cash and, if possible, a major credit card for emergencies or to cover costs until you receive your first pay.