Below is all of the information that you should need to make your stay at Carnival Studios comfortable. Carnival Studios adheres to the Shipboard Carnival Team Member Handbook. All protocols in the handbook are expected to be followed at Carnival Studios and Apartments. 

If you have read all the material and cannot find the answer to your question, please feel free to email and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Check here for your

Rehearsal Transportation



Important Information



Brightwell and Payroll

The documents linked here are your main resources for payroll information. Neither Brightwell nor payroll are not handled internally at the Studios. You should direct your inquiries to or

Check your paystub: 

You can request that your Brightwell Card be sent to the Studios, but be specific that it is sent to: 

 Your Name C/O

Carnival Studios

3350 Davie Rd.

Building B, Suite 201

Davie, Florida 33314 

Medical Attention
  • If you are experiencing a medical emergency, you should call 911.  
  • If it is not an emergency, please access the Carnival Studios Medical Request Form here
  • Evenings and weekends are considered after hours. The TM should still use the above link, but if they must call, they should use this number: 786.351.5843. They can also be reached via email at
  • Crew Medical will coordinate to provide a VOB (Verification of Benefits) that will be sent in an email. The VOB is proof of insurance for use at your medical appointment. Once the VOB is received from Crew Medical, it can be shared with Michelle, Studios Supervisor, for transportation to be arranged. Once you have your VOB, please email her at
  • If you have read all the materials and cannot find the answer to your question, please feel free to email


EAP (Employee Assistance Program) offers free, confidential help from professional counselors 24/7/365 via telephone.

For any issues, or support, dial 44357(Shipboard Team Members) or 1-844-677-6560.

WebID: Carnival

Team Member Portal Guide & GLADIS Trainings
How To Check Your Visa

This website will help you make sure that you are here under the correct visa status. All Team Members should be on their B1 or ESTA-WB.

Guests and Visitor Registration

A Guest is anyone not currently working at the studios including shipboard Team Members, friends, or family members you would like have visit. Any guest coming into the studios for any reason, must be properly registered and approved 24-hours prior to their arrival. ONLY registered guests will be admitted into the building; anyone else will be turned away by security. 

Emergency Exit Plan
Mail and Packages

The following documents can be sent to the Studios:

  • Brightwell
  • Fit For Duties/Medicals
  • Passports/Driver’s Licenses
  • Work items

Use this address and format:

Your Name C/O

Carnival Studios

3350 Davie Rd.

Building B, Suite 201

Davie, Florida 33314


Please email if you have a packages arriving.


To mitigate the volume of packages received, please send all Amazon purchases to an Amazon locker.

  • Overnight visitors are strictly prohibited in our housing.
  • Smoking and vaping are forbidden in all Carnival Studios Housing, including on balconies 
  • Parties and gatherings are strictly prohibited 
  • The Wi-Fi name and password can be found on the router in the apartment 
  • Each room is double-occupant, and you decide on your beds 
  • Only use the linens and the towels from your selected bed 
  • Single room occupants could receive a roommate at any time and should not disturb the second bed in the room 
  • Once bed assignments are determined, you cannot change them due to other occupancy demands of the Studios. 
  • Below are links to the rules for each complex 

Parc3400 rules 

Upointe rules 

  • No shuttle service is provided if you reside at Parc3400 
  • If you reside at Upointe, please follow the shuttle schedule that is published every day via email. 
  • If you choose to rent a car or bring your personal vehicle to Carnival Studios, there may be a fee for parking at the apartment property. You may not leave your vehicle at Carnival Studios, as it will be towed by property management. Carnival is not responsible in any way for personal or rented vehicles.
  • If you lose your apartment FOB key, it will be $250 to replace it.
  • Do not rearrange furniture or unstack the bunkbeds.
  • Management may enter the apartments at any time for routine inspections. 
  • Upon departure, your apartment is expected to be in the same condition as was given to you. If it is not, punitive action will be taken when you arrive on the ship.  
  • We kindly ask not to unstack the bunkbeds in the housing. Disciplinary action will be taken if the bunk beds are found unstacked.
  • Please make sure all top bunk beds have a railing. Under no circumstance should it be removed, as it is there for your safety.

How to Put in a Maintenance Request at Studios Housing 

Need more housing supplies? Please CLICK HERE to request more items.


Contact Us

Manager, Carnival Studios

Liz Talaba


Supervisor, Carnival Studios

Michelle Lavergne


Supervisor, Carnival Studios

Lolly Williams


Project Manager, Studio Operations/Housing

Kimberly Powell-Taylor


Coordinator, Studio Operations and Housing

Ashlee Tiernan